Why banned me man
I went into the game, while I chose what I'll be, I got ban. Why? Sorry my eng is bad, im Serbian...Please unbaned me. Thanks
28.12.2015 20:20 -
Цитата: `ајдук
Hello, i got banned for cheat when i got into server, while i was in lobby.Why? Sorry my eng is bad, im Serbian...Please unbaned me. Thanks
28.12.2015 23:49 -
Man, i have steam 3 years look my profile:
I have 38 games, playing cs:go 3,637 hrs - never use cheat, never risk my acc for ban. I play arma 2 - 45 hrs, in your server play 32,64 hrs look :
SS1 - http://prntscr.com/9jq3aq
SS2 - http://prntscr.com/9jq3oq .....i dont want risk vac ban for stupid arma dude....(45hrs only)Слава России!
Поздрав из Србије браћо!
`ајдук29.12.2015 07:42